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Specializing in Replacement Parts and Accessories for all Consumer Based Atari Game Systems and Atari Computers.


If this is your 1st visit to the Best unique one of kind Atari Web site, like receiving a new book or manual it is best to click on the Index page / Site listing link below.  It is easy way to search thru the hundreds of pages of different Atari information on this site and find what you are looking for.


  Best Web site Index page / Site listing




One of the more common Atari Questions / E-Mails we get, do you really have that Atari part or Atari item in stock.  I have checked the world wide Internet and you are the only one that lists it?  I noticed that your that your Atari web page(s) have not been updated (bottom of each Best Web page has a last updated date) for weeks, months or years?  When we cleared out the local Atari Sunnyvale Warehouses here over a 10 to 15 year period, we hauled in thousands and thousands of Pallets of Atari Goods.  Some Atari items we have a lifetime supply of (hence why the Best Atari web page for that product never gets updated) and other Atari items have sold out fast to the world wide Atari users and collectors.

New Best International Shipping information Tip for 1st time and current International Best World Wide Atari Customers


Bests Atari Hall of fame  A little background into why Best Electronics was started 40 years ago and a short list of Best Exclusive made Atari Products, Atari Upgrade kits, Replacement and Upgraded Atari parts Best has developed / produced in the last 40 years in the Atari business.  See why some of the Best made exclusive Atari items and stock Atari products we carry, even show up on E-Bay after they are purchased direct from Best Electronics and resold with a big mark up by E-bay Atari sellers! 


After 5+ months work, On September 17, 2022 Best is now shipping the Best Electronics exclusive 2nd Generation ST / STE / Falcon Keyboard TT Touch internal upgrade silicon cups and the 2nd Generation XE Touch XE keyboard upgrade internal silicon cups.  Check out the feed back comments of World Wide Atari owners who have upgraded their Atari made stock keyboards with the Best 1st Generation ST TT Touch or 1st Generation XE Touch upgrade contacts for over 20+ years now.


On March 9, 2020 Best started another Atari CX52 Joystick upgrade product.  After 14+ months of work, Best is now releasing a New Upgraded / Enhanced CX52 Rev. 10 Gold flex circuit, that cures one of the hidden problems (most experienced 5200 CX52 Joystick rebuilders do not even know about) that caused the old Carbon dot Atari CX52 Joysticks to always fail and a very very few of the Best Gold CX52 Joysticks to temporally fail.  The Gold plating of the stock Atari CX52 Rev. 9 flex circuits has always been a 16 year headache for Best which is now cured with release of the Best designed Rev. 10 Gold upgraded Flex circuit.  Now all Best Reconditioned / Upgraded exchange and out right buy Atari CX52 Gold Joysticks in sock have now been upgraded with the New Best designed State of the Art Rev. 10 Gold Flex circuits


On February 14, 2021 after a 3+ year search (longest in Best company history), the many many steps involved and set backs on the making of the New Best State of the Art Auto Switching Atari 2600 Power supplies.  Now shipping.


All Atari World Wide Atari CX78 JoyPad Owners!  On June 17, 2019 after 16+ months work, Best has released a CX78 Upgrade Gold Kit that will fix / cure the known Atari CX78 JoyPad problems that causes them to fail early and it also Enhances / Upgrades the stock Atari made CX78 JoyPad features / functions!    


On June 17, 2019 Best released another Upgraded Atari replacement part.  The 16+ month story behind the making of the New 4th Best designed Upgraded / Enhanced Atari CX40 Joystick replacement cable.


After 30+ months (2 years and 6 months, the 2nd longest in Best Company history) of work, Best is releasing the 3rd upgrade for the stock Atari made stock CX40 Joystick.  The Best 1st CX40 Lifetime Gold internal PCB upgrade was introduced in 2005.  2nd Best CX40 Lifetime Silicone Joystick boot, released in November 2016.  Released on August 09, 2018 the 3rd Best CX40 Upgraded / Enhanced / Beefed up Atari CX40 Joystick replacement part.  The Best Super CX40 Joystick replacement handle.  Three New Best CX40 Joystick upgrades, 15 to 20 years after very last Atari Engineering Upgrades / Revision Changes were made to the stock Atari made CX40 Joysticks.   


As of July 10, 2018 Best Electronics is now shipping 4th Generation / Rev. 4 of the Best exclusive Atari CX40 Joystick Lifetime Gold PCB boards.  For over 13+ years now, they have become a World Wide Upgrade board that turns the always failing (because of the stock CX40 boards) Atari CX40 Joystick into lifetime Gold CX40 Joystick (assuming the inner CX40 white handle is good).  Read the upgrade stats / information on the Best CX40 Gold PCB's and the 110% positive feed comments from World Wide Atari / Commodore CX40 Joystick users that have installed the Best CX40 Gold Upgrade boards  They are even purchased direct from Best Electronics and resold on E-Bay! 


Be advised of the Atari 7800 clone power supplies ($22.61 to $40.97) and the very over priced ($49.95 to $89.95) stock New and Used Atari made OEM 7800 Power supplies listed on E-bay / Amazon, all suffer from the same known 7800 Power supply design problems that cause them to go bad early for the last 25+ years and is one of the many reasons why Atari 7800 users are always looking for a New / Replacement 7800 Power Supply.  After 11 months of work, Best has cured these known 7800 Power supply problems with its New Upgraded / Improved / Enhanced 2018 Auto Switching Atari 7800 Power supply which costs less than any of the ones listed on E-Bay or Amazon and has a better / longer Atari Warranty.  Read the Best Article on the making of the New 2018 Best 7800 Upgraded / Improved / Enhanced Power Supply


Best Electronics is releasing its 1st upgraded Atari product for 2018.  Read about the 10 month story behind the making of the Best Atari 600XL / 800XL Enhanced / Upgraded replacement Keyboard Mylar


After 12+ months work, Best Electronics is releasing another upgraded Atari product for 2017.  The Best 2nd Generation Enhanced / Upgraded Custom made 12 ft Atari Composite Video Cable for Atari 8 bit Computers


After 10+ months work, Best is releasing its latest Atari Upgrade part for the 35+ year Atari designed CX40 Joystick.  See why Best went back to a 1982 Atari Engineering designed CX40 part to inspire its latest Upgraded / Improved CX40 Lifetime replacement part.


Where the average Atari company would of given up over a year and 7 months ago, looking for a replacement / upgraded Atari CX30 Paddle Pot.  Best would like to thank the hundreds and hundreds of patient world wide Atari CX30 Paddle users who have waited and inquired over and over for the last 19+ months about the status of Bests Super Pot search.  Read what Best Electronics went thru searching the world for a new 2nd Generation CX30 Pot vendor.  What sounds like a very easy Atari part to find, ended up being a very very long extended search (the 2nd longest in the 37 year company history) for Best Electronics. 


After over 8+ months work, Best is releasing its latest exclusive Atari upgrade.  It is a 2016 Upgraded / Improved / Licensed version of a bench mark / proven Atari 800XL 256K Ram Upgrade, 1st released in 1990.


After over 6 months work, Bests New and Latest Gold controller Upgrade for a troubled Atari 7800 Joystick (like the Atari CX40 and CX52 Joystick problems which Best has fixed) with a shaky past.  If you liked Bests CX40 Joystick lifetime Gold PCB boards, Upgraded Gold Lifetime Atari CX40 Joysticks and Lifetime Atari 5200 CX52 Gold Joysticks you will love this latest Atari 7800 Lifetime controller upgrade.  


After 8 months work, Best's latest 2016 Atari 1200XL Keyboard Upgraded internal replacement Mylar for an Atari keyboard with almost a 100% Failure rate!  

Here is a chronological listing of all Best Atari Web site Updates, Corrections or New Atari items since it went up in early 2002. 

 As you will see, we keep the Best Atari Web site current and up to date for all Atari Consumer products we support.


The World Leader in Atari Parts and Atari Supplies.  On February 1, 2025

Best Electronics started its 41st year in the Atari business!

As of 02-07-18 the Best Web site has had over 1 Million+ views from World Wide Atari users!

The Perfect Holiday / Birthday Gift for that Atari Person

Best Electronics was Voted "The Best Atari Supporting Company" in the World.  By World Wide Atari users,  in the Independent online, MyAtari 2002 and 2003 web site Surveys and 1st Runner up in the 2004 Survey!  Survey was not run in 2005 - 2023!



Best Atari Customer feed back:

All comments are spontaneous unsolicited Best customer feed back comments and are posted here with the permission of each Best customer


Dave M. of Canada  "I’d also like to mention that the replacement MMU you sent me for my other 520 ST worked perfectly and that machine is now fully functional. Likewise, I finally got around to installing the Best keyboard mylar in my Atari 1200XL and it works perfectly. Your online instructions were incredibly helpful. Thank you!"


James B. of the UK  After placing another International Atari order with Best he said  "And I just want to say thanks again for supporting the Atari community as you do. Still being able to get new spare parts some 30+ years later is just unbelievable! :) Many thanks! -- James"


Harry H. of CA.  Harry did some research on the Internet and found Best was the place to get the new Best upgraded / enhanced Gold dot CX52 parts to turn his old always failing 35+ year old Atari CX52 carbon dot Joysticks into Best Gold CX52 Joystick Lifetime versions.  "Holy cow the CX52 upgrade kits worked like a charm!  The controllers are like new!  I can’t thank you enough!"


Nolan R. of Canada  Nolan contacted Best via E-Mail.   He said his "G" series Atari Jaguar controller was starting to go bad.  He said E-Bay sellers seem to charge over $100 for new Atari Jaguar controllers plus shipping.  We told him Best has seen hundreds of New Jaguar controllers sell for $59 to $100+ on E-Bay.  Not so funny we told him, yes some of those E-Bay Atari sellers buy our New "G" ($16.95) or "B" ($21.95) Series Jaguar controllers from Best, mark them up and resell them on E-Bay.  Nolan decided to buy a New loose Atari Jaguar Alien vs Predator game and a New "B" series (Best considers this the better made Jaguar controllers with Tactical Feed back on the JoyPad and fire buttons functions) Jaguar controller.  "I received the Jaguar controller and Alien vs Predator.   Both arrived well packaged and in great condition.  I've only just started playing the game but it's pretty fun so far.  The controller works great as well.  Thank you for providing these purchases!  I'll shop here again :)" 

Chris C. of WA.   Chris placed an Atari for some 7800 boxed Games and the Best Reconditioned / Upgraded CX24 Proline Gold Joystick.  One of the Atari 7800 games he ordered was Ballblazer.   Best told Chris after selling the new in the box
Atari 7800 Ballblazer games for over 25+ years, we are now down to the last couple of them.   All new boxes have dings, dents and crushed in sides, front / back of the boxes. 
"Just want to say as a first time customer (long time looker) I am more then pleased, the BallBlazer you said had some damaged I would not have thought twice about if you said nothing. Everything was better then expect with quick shipping and well packed.  Looking forward to placing more orders in the future soon."

Matteo D. of Italy.  Matteo contacted Best via E-Mail.  He said he had a completely dead Atari PAL 800XL computer he wanted to get going again.  After looking at Bests complete Atari Custom chip listing, he ordered 1 each of all of the Atari PAL custom chips used in his Atari 800XL PAL computer.  After being notified that his Atari custom chip order was shipped to him he said  "THANK YOU!  I can't wait to receive the package.  Keep up the great work!"  By the way Matteo had his Atari chip order sent ($10.40) to an US Freight forwarder (for Best's International Shipping money saving information article click on this URL) DELAWARE Zip: 19701 he had an account with.   A rough estimate by Best, Matteo saved about $30 dollars over the normal shipping cost Best would have had to charge Matteo to send his Atari chip direct to him via US Priority Mail to Italy.  "This is Matteo D. from Italy.  I just wanted to let you know that I finally received the chips you sent me.  Thanks to your support and the chips you provided, I was able to revive my Atari 800 XL.  I greatly appreciate it and wish you all the best !"

Daniel G. of MA.   Daniel purchased Bests new Upgraded / Enhanced 2600 Auto Switching power supply and a new Atari PAL 2600 32 in 1 game cart.  "I just wanted to express my satisfaction with my order and prompt delivery.  Your 2600 Power Supply has eliminated the wavy lines on my screen!  I have even done a full recap, 6 new switches (ordered from you last year or so), and voltage regulator previously but it seems like the cheap 3rd party adaptor I was using was the worst culprit!  Also despite being a PAL cart the 32-in-1 unexpectedly works fine on new 2600+ on flat screen."


Mike S. of KS   Mike contacted Best via E-Mail.  He was looking to buy 2 sets of Best's CX52 Joystick Gold lifetime rebuild parts kits.  "I want to sincerely thank you for your help with the new CX52 repair kits.  I now have two fully functional controllers!   This system was my grandfather’s 5200 and he used to kick our butts when we were kids back in the 80’s. Now my kids can enjoy kicking my butt.  The shipping was extremely fast!  Thank you"


492+ Additional Best Customer Atari Feedback Comments from all over the World


   Best Electronics Company wide Recycling and Eco efforts!




Best Electronics has been Sold Out of the very popular Wizztronics Atari 8 bit Midimax MIDI interfaces for close to 6 – 7+ years now.  Not to use the over used RARE word on E-Bay Atari listings, the MIDIMAX product is one step more.  In the last 10+ year of watching for Atari items on E-bay every single day, I think in total, we have only seen one used Wizztronics MIDIMAX listed and sold on E-Bay.  Think of it, have you ever seen a Wizztronics Atari MIDIMAX ever listed on E-bay at all?  World wide Atari 8 Bit Computer (400 (48K), 800 (48K), 1200XL, 800XL, 65XE / 130XE and XE Game owners simply will not part with their highly prized Atari MIDIMAX interface.  With an inexpensive MIDI Keyboard you can now learn how to use MIDI Synthesizers, Drum machines, Write/Save, Play and Modify Music without the normal High cost of a normal MIDI system and Atari ST, PC or Mac Computer.  With the MIDIMAX MIDI interface, standard MIDI Keyboard, 2 MIDI cables and an Atari 8 bit computer with disk drive, you have a Brand New application for your Classic Atari 8 bit Computer!!

We have some interesting News on the Atari MIDIMAX product



I over paid for an eBay logoAtari item!  E-Bay is a great place for Atari Bargains, but over the last 14 to 15+ years we have seen Atari E-bay bidders over pay for thousands of New and Used Atari items that have No Warranty at all, when Best Electronics has the exact same New Atari item in stock for less money with the normal Atari 90 Day Warranty (same Atari Warranty for the last 40+ years) and in most cases with cheaper shipping charges.  So when you find an Atari item on E-Bay you are thinking about bidding on, suggest you come to the Best Atari Web site to find if Best Electronics has the same New Atari item in stock.  Remember that not all of the over 5,000+ Atari items we have in stock are listed at this Atari web site, only the more popular ones we get requests for.  If you can not find it on this all Atari web site, send us an E-Mail:  The lesson here is, you should always check the Best Web site before bidding on any Atari item and do not get caught up in E-Bay Bidding fever or get caught by an E-Bay land shark trying to get over market value for a new or used Atari item.  If you do have a problem with your Atari E-Bay item you won and it is sold as Seller does not offer returns, you can come to Best Electronics to get the Atari replacement parts or free Best Atari Technical advice on how to fix your ailing E-Bay Atari items. 

Here are some recent samples of over paid or over priced

Atari items we seen on E-Bay


Iron Soldier Atari Jaguar Game Brand New Sealed CiB Complete In Mint Condition.  2 Sold  Seller does not offer returns  Sold on 01-21-25 for $100.00 plus $8.00 shipping          

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Atari Jaguar Iron Soldier with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $45.95 plus shipping


Centipede Atari 7800 Brand New Factory Sealed Silver 1987 Unopened NOS  Seller does not offer returns  Current 15 day E-bay auction as of 02-02-25.  Buy it now for $99.99 with free shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Atari 7800 Centipede with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $49.95 plus shipping


Toki Atari LYNX Game New in the Box.  9 available 154 sold  Seller does not offer returns.  Current 18 day E-Bay auction as of 02-02-25.  Buy it now for $39.95 plus $6.41 shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Atari Lynx Toki game with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $29.00 plus shipping


Tower Toppler (Atari 7800, 1988) - NIB Brand New In Box Vintage Video Game Seller does not offer returns  Current 19 day E-Bay auction as of 02-02-25.  Buy it now for $71.20 plus $9.99 shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Atari 7800 Tower Toppler game with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $15.00 plus Max. US shipping $10.65


Space Invaders (Atari 5200, 1982) NIB SEALED!!!!  Seller does not offer returns  Current 20 day E-bay auction as of 02-02-25.  Buy it now for $99.95 with free Shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Atari 5200 Space Invaders with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $15.00 plus Max. US shipping $10.65              


Delta Drawing (Atari 400/800/XL/XE, 1983, Spinnaker) Brand New/Factory Sealed!  30 days returns.  Buyer pays for return shipping   Current 3 day E-Bay auction as of 01-26-25.  Buy it now for $99.99 with free shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box, Spinnakers Delta Drawing Educational Game Cartridge with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $10.00 plus shipping


Atari 400/800 CPU PCB TESTED WORKING with GTIA and SALLY 6502C USA NTSC.  3 available / 57 sold as of 03-24-24, 1 left / 59 sold as of 05-05-24, only 5 left 64 sold on 01-26-25  Seller does not offer returns  Current 4 day E-Bay auction as of 01-26-25.  Buy it now for $49.95 plus $10.20 shipping

Bests New Atari 400  / 800 fully Populated CPU card with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.   $19.95 plus shipping


Star Raiders 2 The Great Galactic Adventure cont; Atari 400/800/XL/XE;DX5084 NOS  Last one 1 sold on 10-24-24,  5 available 2 sold on 01-26-25 New Old Stock (NOS) / slight damage/ bowing on box  Seller does not offer returns  Current 4 day E-Bay auction as of 01-26-25.  Buy it now for 69.95 plus $7.09 shipping  

Bests New in the Shrunk wrapped box Atari Star Raiders II disk game (this information was not listed on the above E-Bay auction listing information) DX5084 for Atari 800 XL / XE computers with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $29.95 plus Max. US shipping $10.65  


Atari 2600 RIOT Chip (A202 RAM I/O Timer) - RetroSix.  30 days returns. Seller pays for return shipping  Current 18 day E-Bay auction as of 01-26-25.  Buy it now for 39.99 plus $4.50 shipping    

Atari 6532 CO10750 chip used in multiple Atari products with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $10.00 plus shipping


Atari 2600 River Raid 2 II New in Box NOS NIB.  30 days returns.  Buyer pays for return shipping.  Current 12 day E-Bay auction as of 01-26-25.  Buy it now for $299.99 plus $9.45 shipping    

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Activision's 2600 River Raid II with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $74.95 plus Max. US shipping $10.65


Atari C302434 Ajax High Density Disk Controller NOS.  Out of Stock 16 sold  Seller does not accept returns  Sold on 01-15-25 for $45.00 plus $5.00 shipping     

Bests New Atari Custom made Ajax High Density disk controller chip  C302096 / C302434 with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $29.95 plus shipping


Used VTG OEM Official Atari 7800 Game Power Supply 24471-001 Blue Tip 9V System.  30 days returns.  Seller pays for return shipping  Current 3 day E-Bay auction as of 01-19-25.  Buy it now for $44.99 with free shippin All Atari Clone and over priced used Atari OEM 7800 Power Supplies listed on E-Bay, all suffer from the same problems that cause them to always fail early for the last 25+ years.  It is one of the many many reasons why current and new Atari 7800 console owners are always looking for a replacement 7800 Power supply!

Bests New boxed Upgraded / Improved Atari 7800 Auto Switching Power Supply with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $21.00 plus shipping.  For more Information on the New Auto Switching Best 7800 Power supply click on here 


Used Atari Lynx Model 2 Replacement LCD OEM.  Last one 9 sold.  30 days returns. Seller pays for return shipping  Current 5 day E-Bay auction as of 01-19-25.  Buy it now for $39.99 with free shipping

Bests New Atari Lynx II OEM Japan made Color LCD display with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $20 plus Max. US shipping $11.00


Pitfall Atari 5200 Activision Game NEW Factory Sealed.  9 available, 1 sold.  30 days returns.  Buyer pays for return shipping  Current 5 day E-Bay auction as of 01-19-25.  Buy it now for $69.95 with free shipping  

Bests New in the Activision Shrunk Wrapped box 5200 Pitfall game, only works on 4 port 5200 consoles, not 2 port consoles (this information was not in the above E-Bay 5200 auction listing) with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $15.00 plus Max. US Shipping $11.00


Atari Eastern Front 1941 Game Cartridge Box & APX Scenarios - Sealed - CIB.  Seller does not accept returns  Current 5 day E-Bay auction as of 01-19-25.  Buy it now for $119.99 plus $6.99 shipping

Bests New in the shrunk wrapped box Atari Eastern Front game for Atari 400 /800 / XL / XE / XEGS Computers with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $35.95 plus Max. US Shipping $11.00


2x Atari 2600 Joystick Replacement PCB.  Seller does not offer returns  Sold on 01-09-25 for $9.99 plus $3.00 shipping   

Quote from one of Best CX40 Customers. I rebuilt a CX40 with some white PCBs from eBay that use some super tiny tactile switches instead of metal domes (very good at first but fell apart after about 2h play time)"  Best has seen these new white replacement CX40 PCB boards on E-Bay.   The Best over sized 4 leg Gold plated Dome contacts are rated at 5 Million cycles.

Bests New 4th Gen. Lifetime CX40 Joystick Gold PCB board with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  Since 1st released in 2005 the Best designed all Gold CX40 PCB, thousands and thousands of Atari World Wide CX40 Joystick owners have found, once you install a Best CX40 Gold Lifetime PCB board, it turns a standard Atari CX40 Joystick that fails all of the time, into a Lifetime CX40 Gold Joystick.  $9.95 plus shipping  For more Information and World wide Atari CX40 user feed back comments on the Best Exclusive CX40 Gold Lifetime PCB's click here.  These very popular Best CX40 Gold PCBs are purchased direct from Best and resold by E-Bay Atari sellers.


Used Centipede (Atari 5200, 1982)-OPENED BOX.  30 day returns | Seller pays for return shipping  Current 32 day E-bay auction as of 01-12-25.  Buy it now for $30.00 plus $8.00 shipping 

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Atari 5200 Centipede game with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $15.00 plus shipping


Tempest Audio CD Atari Jaguar New Factory Sealed Seller does not offer returns  149 Sold, Only 11 left as of 1-02-24, 186 Sold, only 14 left as of 01-12-25.  Current 32 day E-Bay Auction as of 01-12-25  Buy it now for $14.95 plus $8.20 Shipping

Best New Factory Shrunk Wrapped Atari Jaguar Tempest 2000 Audio CD with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $5.00 plus shipping


Bond Analysis; Atari 400/800/XL/XE New in Box; Diskette- 24K RAM; CX8106.  2 available 1 sold.  Seller does not accept returns  Current 25 day E-Bay auction as of 01-12-25.  Buy it now for $24.95 plus $6.89 shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Atari Bond Analysis disk software CX8106 with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $9.95 plus shipping


NEW NOS ATARI 2600 G.I. JOE COBRA STRIKE GAME IN FACTORY SEALED & S/W BOX 7800 14 day returns, buyer pays for return shipping  Current 25 day E-Bay auction as of 01-12-25.  Buy it now for $299.99 with free shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Parker Bros 2600 GI Joe Strike with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $59.95 plus Max. US Shipping $11.00


Atari 2600 Parker Brothers 1983 TUTANKHAM Arcade Game New Factory Sealed.  30 days returns. Seller pays for return shipping  Sold on 01-03-25 for $69.48 plus $5.99 shipping  

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box Parker Bros 2600 Tutankham with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $39.95 plus Max. US Shipping $11.00


Atari 2600 Ms. Pac-Man 1988 BRAND NEW SEALED! Includes HANG TAG! Seller does not offer returns  Sold on 12-23-24 for $60.00 plus $8.97 shipping

Bests New in the Shrunk Wrapped box, Atari 2600 Ms Pacman with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $29.95 plus max. US shipping $11.00


Used Atari 2600 Original OEM Power Supply - CO16353 - Clean, Tested, and Working.  Last one 4 sold  30 days returns  Buyer pays for return shipping  Sold on 12-23-24 for $24.99 plus $10.95 shipping  Buying a 25 to 35+ year old used Atari DC 2600 Power, is like buying a used 30+ year old car battery and expect it to run like a new Car battery.  Old linear DC power supplies have a fixed useable life, they degrade with time / use and then they all fail.  Read Bests Atari Information Tip why you should never buy used Atari DC Power supplies on E-Bay!

Bests New (3 years in development) in the Shrunk Wrapped box state of the art Auto Switching Atari 2600 Power Supply for all World Wide made Atari 2600 consoles that cures all of the stock Atari 2600 power supply problems that causes them to always fail with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $13.95 plus shipping


Used Quest for Quintana Roo Atari 5200 Game Cart Only 1984 Sunrise Software EX! #2.  30 days returns  Seller pays for return shipping  Current 28 day E-Bay auction as of 01-05-25.  Buy it now for $134.99 plus $8.35 shipping 

Bests New Quest for Quintana Roo for the Atari 5200 (new Cartridge with Instructions) with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $29.00 plus Max US shipping $11.00


Used CALIFORNIA GAMES Atari Lynx Game Cart - RARE! w/instruction manual.  No box.  Seller does not offer returns   Current 28 day E-Bay auction as of 01-05-25.  Buy it now for $109.99 and $6.99 shipping   

Bests New Atari Lynx California games with new manual, no box with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $14.95 with Max. US Shipping $11.00


4,477+ examples of over paid or over priced E-Bay Atari items


Best Electronics Atari Joystick, Paddle, Trackball and other Atari Controllers Quick Reference Guide!

Best Electronics Quick Reference Guide for Atari Replacement OEM Power Supplies, Cables and Connections to TV's and Monitors

Best Atari Information tip:  Atari Power Supplies or what you should know before you buy a used E-Bay Atari Power supply or E-Bay Atari product with an used internal Atari Power Supply.

Best Atari XL / XE Power Supply information tipAre all Atari XL / XE replacement power supplies the same?


Best Electronics Final Answer to the Atari 5200 Joystick 25+ year Problems, What Every Atari 5200 Owner Should Know!


New Best exclusive 2nd generation Atari CX52 Joystick Upgrade


After close to 28+ years of selling Reconditioned Atari Carbon dot and Gold CX52 Joysticks, we have finally run out of the Atari CX52 Joystick cores to rebuild, we got out of the local Sunnyvale Atari warehouses years ago.  Any Atari 5200 owner who purchased our Best CX52 Gold Joysticks, 1 to 11+ years ago from us, knows that they are now lifetime upgraded CX52 Joysticks and you do not need any spare old / used CX52 Joysticks to keep as possible back up controllers.  We are asking you to send us any old / used Atari CX52 Joysticks you have.  Keep them from going into a land fill and recycle them so another deserving Atari 5200 owner like yourself will have the same fun / lifetime use of a Best CX52 Gold upgraded Joystick that you have.  If you like Best will credit you Best customer account a $6 credit per sent in CX52 complete controller for a current or future Atari Purchase / order from Best Electronics.

Best Electronics Exclusive and Very Comprehensive article on the proper rebuilding Atari CX52 5200 Joysticks  Includes a short list of the more popular Atari CX52 Joystick and Atari 5200 OEM replacement parts we carry (end of Article).

Brand New Custom made Atari Dust Cover for the Atari 5200 Consoles.  Back in stock after being out of stock for 12+ years


Do you have one of the Classic Atari CX40 Joysticks that is not working well? We have the perfect Solution for you.  Includes a short list of Atari CX40 OEM replacement parts and New Best 4th generation Gold CX40 PCB boards

Good News! CX40 stock Joystick Rubber boots back in stock, no limits for now.

The New 2016 Best CX40 Silicon Lifetime Joystick boot




Do you have an old pair of Atari CX30 Paddles that have Shaking / Jittery cursors when you use them?   Read how simple it is to cure this problem.  Includes a short list of Atari CX30 Paddle OEM replacement parts.  One of the critical Atari OEM parts we got out of the local Atari Parts warehouse, required for this Atari CX30 Paddle rebuild finally Sold Out, but after a 6 to 7 year search the critical CX30 Paddle part just got upgraded to a 3X better version (Sold Out), now shipping a 5X 2nd Gen. Paddle Pot.   See information below.


Another Best Electronics Exclusive Atari Upgrade item!  Read about Best Electronics 6 to 7 year search for a replacement Atari CX30 Paddle Potentiometer.  New Extended life Atari CX30 Paddle, Gemini (non Atari Clone paddles) with the half shaft paddle knobs (not for the Gemini paddles with the splined paddle knob/pot shaft) and Ultra Pong, Super Pong, Super Pong Pro Am hand held Pong Paddle controllers replacement 1st Generation Super Potentiometers!!!





1st Generation CX30 Paddles Super Pots have finally Sold Out


Read about Bests 19+ month search for a 2nd Generation Upgraded / Enhanced S5 Atari CX30 Paddle and Atari / Sears Pong Paddle Super Pots! 


Can the Best S5 Lifetime CX30 Paddle pots be used / installed on Non Atari made Paddles?





1st Generation Super Pots


2nd Generation S5 Super Pots


Back in Stock after a long absence, the Atari CX24 Joystick / Atari CX22 Stock Trackball Fire button replacement PCB's.

The New Best CX24 Joystick Upgrade matched set of 3 Gold Lifetime PCBs.

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State of the Art, Atari Joystick for the Older Atari Systems! 

 Click on image for more info.




Ever hear an old Atari person talking about an Atari BBS or Sysops and wonder what they were talking about?  Find out what Atari Computer users did 15 to 18+ years ago, before the Internet as we know it!  See a Demo of an Atari BBS or with a little effort, you can once again connect up to a live Atari BBS!

Read about a recent visit we had to Best Electronics from one of the premier Atari / Activision programmers of her time, Carol Shaw!

Best Atari Information Tip:  What you need to know before you buy an Atari Light Gun for your Atari 8 bit computer or Atari 2600 /  7800 game system

Having trouble connecting up the your old Atari to your Cable Ready TV and think your  Atari is Bad? or What you should know before you connect up your Old Atari Product to your Cable Ready TV.  Check out our Best Electronics Money Saving Atari Information tips (and other common problems) before you doing anything else with your Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Atari 8 bit Computers or ST Computer system!  These Best Tech Tips also apply to Most Atari products made, that connect up to a TV.

 Best Atari 2600 Tech Tip!  What to look for when Buying/Bidding on a Used or third party Reconditioned Atari 2600 / 2600A / 2600Jr console.  Includes a list of Atari OEM 2600 replacement parts. 

 Brand New Custom made Cover for the Atari 7800 Consoles


New Atari Engineering 2600 Heavy and Light 6 switch console Composite Video Kit Rev. 2



Best Atari Tech Tip: Faulty Game Cartridges?

How you can salvage questionable Atari Game Cartridges.

Other Best Free Atari Tech Tips

Latest Free Atari Tech Tip on getting Composite Video out of your Atari 2600, 5200 or 7800 without any internal Mods.

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Atari 2600 Cartridge Collectors! Do you have an Atari 32 in 1 Game Cartridge in your Collection?



New Atari Prototype / Unreleased in the US, 7800 Light Gun Game!  Atari US / NTSC version Sentinel.



Have you seen those E-Bay Auctions for 7800 Composite Video modifications?   You pay from $35 to $50+ and send (you pay for the shipping) in your 7800 console to be modified.  Best Electronics has a new Atari Engineering designed 7800 Composite Video mod for US 7800 Consoles you can do yourself for far less money!

New or First Time US eBay logoAtari bidders, Read our informative Best Atari Information Tip, That will save you some Grief, Hassles and Money!!

Thought to have passed into Atari History (lost for over 10+ years in our Atari Warehouses, we recently found a box of upgrade instructions on an Atari Pallet we were breaking down), Atari User written 8 bit Atari Computer Upgrades / Atari Hacks.   The Atari 65XE to 320K / 130XE Ram upgrade, 256K 600XL , Atari 1200XL Operating System back to the more popular 400 / 800 OS standard and Indus 8 bit GT Disk Drive Upgrade ROM.

Bests New Enhanced Composite Video cable for the Atari 65XE / 800 / 800XL / 130XE / 1200XL Computers

Are you an Atari 8 bit computer collector and have every Atari SIO peripheral Atari product made connected to your Atari SIO Daisy chain, but have run out of empty SIO ports to plug in all of your Atari SIO devices into?  Best has the perfect answer to this Atari SIO problem!

Brand New Custom made Atari Dust Cover for the Atari 800 Computer Back in stock after being out of stock for 8+ years

New Unreleased / Prototype Atari XE Game Cartridge!

One of the misdiagnosed Lynx II known problems and Best Electronics final Cure / Upgrade fix for it.

New Atari Lynx Collector Items, Very Limited Supply

Reconditioned Atari Lynx I and II Console Specials!  

Best Atari Tech Tip for a dead Atari Lynx


New Feature:  You now can sample the Music Tracks on the Atari Jaguar Tempest 2000 Audio CD before you buy!  Originally scored for the Tempest 2000 Jaguar Game Cartridge.  Normally Only sold with the Jaguar CD players,  Now you can purchase it separately!  Only $5.00





Best Electronics exclusive Jaguar console Red Screen of Death Atari Tech Tip.

Atari ST / Mega / STE / MegaSTE / TT / Falcon Owners.  Heard of the Atari produced Upgrade Ajax Disk Controller Chip and wonder what it was?  Read about this Atari Custom chip that is fully Backward (to all ST computers made) and Forward compatiable to the very old WD1772 Disk Controller chip.  Atari designed State of the Art Custom drop in replacement DSDD / HD Floppy Disk Controller Chip.

Best Electronics is now the US Distributor for the Atari ST Bench Mark HDDRIVER Rev. 12.04 ST Flash card / Hard Drive Mech. Prep program.



New Double Sided, Double Density (DSDD) 3 1/2 Floppy Disks!  Atari 520ST, 520STFM, 1040ST, Mega 1/2/4, Stacy 1/2/4, MegaSTE, early Mac's and Amiga Computers Owners.  Have you tried to find New 3 1/2 inch DSDD Floppy disks lately?  They are basically an obsolete / discontinued item and have not been produced by Floppy Disk Manufactures for close to 8 to 10 years now.  Best Electronics recently got in a lot of New DSDD 3 1/2 Floppy Disks, probably the last new ones we will ever see.  Also see the Best Floppy Disk Information tip below.






Best 3 1/2 Floppy Disk Information tip:  for Atari ST Midi Composers and ST Users who use Atari 520ST, 520STFM, 1040ST, Mega 1/2/4, 1040STE, Stacy 1/2/4, MegaSTE, TT Computers equipped with 720K Internal Disk Drives also early Mac's and Amiga owners, are you having problems saving data to your floppy disks?  Are you using the wrong type of Floppy disks?

Alldata and Bell and Howell users!  Best Electronics has full Hardware support for your Atari ST/Mega (Alldata 3 and 4 Systems) Auto Diagnostic System and 1040STE, MegaSTE or Falcon based Bell and Howell Mail sorting System.  Atari Mice, Atari Keyboards, Atari Replacement Monitors/Multi Sync adapter cables or board level Components.

Atari STM1 Gray ST  / MegaSTE / TT / Falcon Mouse Rebuild Kits

Atari TT and MegaSTE Owners, Looking for Replacement Internal SCSI 1 Hard Drive?

Looking for an Atari ST Color, ST Mono Chrome Replacement Monitor?  Find out how you can get 2 ST monitors in 1, using Best Electronics Multi Sync Monitor adapter cable.  Now with a New Expanded List of over 110+ Compatible ST Multi Sync Monitors!  New Updated Information on using the Best ST Multi Sync adapter cable with a RGB to VGA Converter Box to just about any of the Newer Larger LCD / TFT Computer Monitors, The Largest LCD TV's and Projection TV's.  This RGB to VGA converter box will also work with any of the largest Tube type of Multi Sync monitors too.

New Update on the Brand New 2nd Generation Best ST Multi Sync adapter cable!

Best Electronics ST/Mega/TT/Falcon Truemouse Special!Truemouse Special.jpg (26871 bytes)

To Celebrate Best Electronics 20+ years in the Atari Business and 14+ years selling the High Quality Truemouse (The ST/MegaSTE/TT/Falcon replacement mouse), we are running a Limited Special!  Buy 2 Truemouse’s for $34.95 each (click here for more information on the Truemouse) and get a "FREE" Atari Handy Mouse / Mini Trackball (click here for more information on the Atari Handy mouse), a $32.95 value!

Special to end without notice!

Best Electronics exclusive Mouse Plus Teflon upgrade internal roller set for the Taiwan Made STM1 Gray 520ST / 520STFM / 1040ST / 1040STE / MegaSTE / TT and Falcon ST mice.

Now back in stock, the PC version of the Best Trackball!

Best Electronics is now the exclusive World Wide Distributor for the Wizztronics Falcon 2 1/2" to 3 1/2" IDE Hard Drive plug in adapter board

The New Best Atari Falcon Upgrade all Falcon users can use!

A Money Saving Best Tech Tip for Atari SLM605 Laser Printer Owners!

Atari Falcon / PC/Mac Owners! Special Buy on External Iomega Jaz 1 Gig drives


 1987 era Atari Player on Board Car Window sign


Atari Collectors, think you have one of just about one of everything Atari in your Collection, Maybe not?Atari Paperbag.jpg (23881 bytes)

On one of our recent Trips to a German Atari Messe (Fair) we found a rare Atari Collector item, which most Atari Collectors have Never seen before, a Genuine Atari Made German Full Size Grocery Bag with the Atari Logo's on it.   These Atari Collector Bags, were given out at the Atari Booth Store when you purchased some Atari Collector Clothing, Products or supplies 20+ years ago. Very Limited Supply! and Limited to 1 per Lucky Atari Collector.  $20 each

See pictures of Best Electronics at the April 10 -11 1999 Semi Annual International German Atari Neuss Messe (Fair/Show)

Our Revision 10 Catalog all Atari Catalog with over 5000+ Atari Parts and More! New Updated information! Catalog front and back cover pictures, Catalog Specifications, Catalog Questions and Answers, Comments and Reviews on the Best Rev. 10 Catalog, Ordering information.

Best Revision 10 Catalog 14 page Addendum online with color photos.  Best Rev. 10 Catalog Owners, Down load and add the current Addendum to your Best Atari Catalog!  New information on future Best Rev. 10 all Atari Catalog Addendums.

We are the Largest Atari Dealer for Atari OEM Replacement Parts in the World, for Atari Computers and Game Machines with over 5000+ different Atari Parts and Atari  Accessories in Stock and Ready to ship.  We cannot list our complete 5000+ Atari inventory on the web, but it's in our catalog. order your copy today.

Looking for a Best Electronics On Line Order form and can not find one?  Click Here!

Typical Questions and Answers we get from our New Atari Customers.

How to order from Best Electronics

Payment methods    Best now accepts Google Wallet payments  

Problems with an Atari product?

We have been supporting the Atari community for over 40 Years

Most Domestic orders shipped within 24 hours. International Worldwide orders within
One to Two business days.

Over three and half Decades of accumulated Atari Technical / Repair Information and
Customer Support at one source.

eBay logo Feed Back Rating: 1,521 Positive, 0 Neutral, O Negative




Google Wallet  

Useful Atari LINKS

Contact Information:

Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday 1:30pm to 5:00pm PST 

(International Customers when calling in to us, remember your local day may be a day ahead or behind us depending on your location in the world.)



Current Pacific Standard Time is: 



 (408) 278-1070   (Hours above)     

      Caller ID # required on all phone calls to Best

Information update, our original (40+ years) Best Electronics phone number (408) 243-6950 has been forwarded to our

current Best Phone number for over 20+ years now.  Since that old Best phone number is only listed on some very very old

Atari flyers and the Best Rev. 10 all Atari catalog, the amount of phone calls we get on that old phone number are now down to 1 to

2 per a 6 to 8 month period.   So Best will drop / discontinue that phone number as the 1st of 2018.


(815) 364-3703  (7 Days / 24 Hours)

Postal address:

Best Electronics
672 Commercial Street
San Jose, CA  95112-1406


Because of the big volume of Spam E-Mails we receive everyday, we had to install E-Mail Spam filters on our server.  When sending an E-Mail to Best, Please put the word "Atari", Atari item or Atari part number, Atari Question or Atari Sales inquiry in the Subject line.  E-Mails with the typical Spam subject matter like: Urgent, Must read, Regarding, FWD, HTML Code, Blank subject line (RE:) or other SPAM E-Mail Subject lines you receive, will be automatically deleted on our E-Mail Server and never reach us.

After sending your E-Mail to us, if you do not hear back from us within a day or less, please resend your E-Mail inquiry with a different Subject matter information or from a different E-Mail address

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