Custom Atari Integrated Circuits & Crystals

Atari Custom I.C.'s

IC#   Atari Reference #   Price
CO10073   (PONG Game)   $29.95
CO104444D   UM6525N (US / NTSC "TIA" 2600 / 2600A / 2600Jr / 7800)   $49.95, Limit 1
CO10745 /  CO16145   STK6507 (MPU 6507)   $5.00
CO10750 / CO16150   UM6532 (I/O 6532)   $10.00
CO11298   (820)   $32.95, Limit 1
CO11299   (810) Rev C   $5.00
CO11903   UM6526P1 (PAL "TIA" 2600)   $20.00
CO12099   (850)   $13.00
CO12294 / 137430 (POKEY)   $30.00, Limit 1   
CO12295   (CTIA)   (Also see CO14805 GITA Upgrade chip below) Sold Out
CO12296   (ANTIC)   $5.00
CO12298 / CO14795   (PIA 6520)   $9.95
CO12399B   (400 / 800 Math Pack)   $9.95
CO12402   ("A" Basic 1 of 2)   $5.00
CO12403   (Assembler Editor 1 of 2)   $5.00
CO12499B   (400 / 800 U.S. O.S.)   $9.95
CO14599B   (400 / 800 U.S. O.S.)   $9.95
CO14331   (16K RAM, 400 / 800)   $2.50
CO14502   ("A" Basic 2 of 2)   $5.00
CO14503   (Assembler Editor 2 of 2)   $5.00
CO14795 / CO12298   (PIA 6520)   $9.95
CO14805   (GTIA)   $5.00
CO14806 / UM6502I   (Atari Modified /Custom 6502C MPU)   $8.00


E-bay Atari chip auctions and Best Atari customer chip comments:

Used Atari GTIA Chip C014805 for 400/800/XL/XE/5200. 14 days returns  Buyer pays for return shipping  Sold on 02-14-25 for  $24.95 with free shipping 

Bests New Atari Custom made CO14805 GTIA Chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $5.00 plus shipping


Used Atari GTIA Chip C014805 for 400/800/XL/XE/5200. 14 days returns  Buyer pays for return shipping  Current 6 day E-Bay auction as of 02-09-24.  Buy it now for $24.95 with free shipping 

Bests New Atari Custom made CO14805 GTIA Chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $5.00 plus shipping


Dave M. of Canada  "I’d also like to mention that the replacement MMU" (the hard to find Atari ST CO25912 MMU PLCC CHIP) "you sent me for my other 520 ST worked perfectly and that machine is now fully functional. Likewise, I finally got around to installing the Best keyboard mylar in my Atari 1200XL and it works perfectly. Your online instructions were incredibly helpful. Thank you!"


Atari Pokey Chip – C012294-03.  2 available, 2 sold on 05-26-24,  Out of Stock, 4 sold on 11-29-24.  Seller does not offer returns  Sold on E-Bay 11-29-24 for $85.00 plus $9.00 shipping

Bests New Atari Custom made CO12294 Pokey Chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $30.00 plus Max. US shipping $11.00


Matteo D. of Italy.  Matteo contacted Best via E-Mail.  He said he had a completely dead Atari PAL 800XL computer he wanted to get going again.  After looking at Bests complete Atari Custom chip listing, he ordered 1 each of all of the Atari PAL custom chips used in his Atari 800XL PAL computer.  After being notified that his Atari custom chip order was shipped to him he said  "THANK YOU!  I can't wait to receive the package.  Keep up the great work!"  By the way Matteo had his Atari chip order sent ($10.40) to an US Freight forwarder (for Best's International Shipping money saving information article click on this URL) DELAWARE Zip: 19701 he had an account with.   A rough estimate by Best, Matteo saved about $30 dollars over the normal shipping cost Best would have had to charge Matteo to send his Atari chip direct to him via US Priority Mail to Italy.  "This is Matteo D. from Italy.  I just wanted to let you know that I finally received the chips you sent me.  Thanks to your support and the chips you provided, I was able to revive my Atari 800 XL.  I greatly appreciate it and wish you all the best !"


New SYNERTEK C014806-03 Atari Sally CPU, DIP40, Atari, Apple IIe, C64 & Others.  30 day returns, Buyer pays for return shipping  More than 10 available / 28 sold on 04-02-23, only 5 left, 51 sold on 06-16-24, 53 sold on 08-18-24.  Current 27 day E-bay auction as of 08-18-24.  Buy it now for $26.98 with free shipping  It is very clear to Best Electronics, this E-Bay seller does not know what they are selling.  The Atari CO14806 chip is an Atari Custom made 6502 chip that has extra support chips built into this one of kind Atari custom chip.   It will only work in Atari made products that are design to accept this Atari custom CPU chip.  It will not work in any other products that requires a standard off the shelf 6502 CPU chip.

New Atari CO14806 custom CPU chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $8.00 plus Shipping


Used Atari 400/800/XL/XE GTIA C014805 Integrated Circuit (IC) NO PCB.  Seller does not offer returns  Only 5 left, 112 sold as of 06-30-24, only 11 left, 119 sold on 09-22-24.  Current 19 day E-Bay auction as of 09-22-24.  Buy it now for $19.95 plus $6.28 shipping

Bests New Atari Custom made CO14805 GTIA Chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $5.00 plus shipping 


Used Atari 400/800/XL/XE GTIA C014805 Integrated Circuit (IC) NO PCB.  Seller does not offer returns  Only 5 left, 112 sold as of 06-30-24.  Current 22 day E-Bay auction as of 06-30-24.  Buy it now for $19.95 plus $6.28 shipping        

Bests New Atari Custom made CO14805 GTIA Chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $5.00 plus shipping


CO14887   (PAL ANTIC)   $10.00
CO14889-03   (PAL GTIA)   $10.00
CO14889-01 (PAL GTIA) $20.00
CO15199   (400 / 800 OS PAL)   $21.95
CO15299   (400 / 800 OS PAL)   $21.95
CO18082   (5200 RAM) 4816, HM4816, MB8118, MCM4517, MK4516  $2.50
CO19156   (5200 OS) for both 2 and 4 port 5200 models $5.00
CO20120 FGTIA, this PAL GTIA chip will only work / run on Atari SECAM version XL / XE Computers / motherboards $15.95 New found Atari chip
CO21697   (XL / XE ANTIC)   $10.00
CO21698   (PAL XL / XE ANTIC)   $24.00  Limit one!
CO24674   CO25349 / CO25314 (7800 Maria)   $12.00
CO24922   (7800 OS)   $19.95
CO24947A   ("C" Basic)   Sold Out see 8 bit Atari software page, New C
Basic Cartridge
CO25718   (7800 Maria, PAL)   Call or E-Mail 
CO25912   (Also see C100109) (ST / Mega Memory   Management Unit, MMU)   $40.00
CO25913   (Also see C100110) (ST / Mega DMA)   $35.00
CO25914   (Also see CO70713) (ST / Mega Video Shifter)   $35.00
CO25915   (Also see CO70714) (ST / Mega Glue)   $35.00
CO25953   (130XE)   $10.00
CO25983   (ST / Mega / STE / MegaSTE / TT YM- 2149 / AY-3-8910 Sound) 11.75
CO25984   (ST / Mega MFP 68901 48 pin I.C.)   $15.00
CO25985   (ST / Mega ACIA 6850)   $1.75
CO25988   (ST / Mega / STE / MegaSTE / TT Sharp   PC-900, Motorola H11L1 / L2 / Harris H11L3 / TFK-K8013P)  $3.50
CO25991   (ST 256K RAM)   $3.75
CO26028   (ST / Mega / STE / MegaSTE Disk Controller)   $18.00
CO60302A   (XL Basic "B")   $15.95
CO60472   (XL Delay)   $5.00
CO60549   (835 MPU)   $15.00
CO60609   (1200XL / 1450 MMU)   $10.00
CO60612   (64K RAM)  4164, 4564, 4864, D2164, D4164, HM4864, M3764, MB8264, MCM6665, MK4564, MN4164, MT4264, TMM4164 $2.95
CO60616A   (1200 Rev. "A" OS)   $7.00
CO60616B   (1200 XL Rev. "B" OS)   $14.95
CO60617A   (1200 Rev. "A" OS)   $7.00
CO60617B   (1200XL Rev. "B" OS)   $14.95
CO61598   (XL / XE OS)   $12.00
CO61618   (XL / XE Memory Management.)   $19.95
CO61922 / CO61991 (XE Freddie)   $10.00
CO62024   (600XL OS)   $8.00
CO70122-001   (520ST Keyboard CPU)   N/A*
CO70122-002   (ST / Mega / STE / MegaSTE / Stacy / TT /Falcon Keyboard CPU)     $17.50
CO70235   (XF551 8050 MPU) See CB101303 8040 MPU
CO70670   (MegaFile 20-30-60) AIC-010F   $20.00
CO70672   (MegaFile 20-30-60) AIC-300F   $30.00
CO70705   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.0 Meg (HI) ROM   $15.00
CO70706   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.0 Meg (LO) ROM   $15.00
CO70713 /  CO7013 / I10356  (ST / Mega Video Shifter)  $34.00
CO70714 / I10355 (ST / Mega Glue)   $34.00
C100109 / I10353 (ST / Mega Memory Management Unit)   $35.00
C100110 / I10354 (ST / Mega DMA)   $34.00
C1010280   (Video Music)   Call or E-Mail
C101601   (ST / Mega MMU SMT 80 pin)   Call or E-Mail
C101602   (ST / Mega Glue SMT 80 pin)   Call or E-Mail
C101622   (Mega / MegaSTE Real Time Clock / RP5C15)   $12.00
C101625   (Mega PAL 16L8)   $12.00
C101629   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 1 MEG (HI) ROM   $15.00
C101630   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 1 MEG (L0) ROM   $15.00
C101631   (Atari Transputer O.S.)   Call or E-Mail
C101632   (Atari Transputer O.S.)   Call or E-Mail
C101640   (SH204 PAL)   $19.00
C101643 /  I60611 / MM9092V (ST / Mega / STE Blitter)   $40.00
C101681   (PC1 / PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C101685   (65XE / 130XE, XEGS, Lynx I + II) 4464, 41464, 41254, HY53CX464, MT4067, 21464, 2464  RAM 64K X 4   $7.95
C101686   (XE Game MMU)   $25.95
C101687   (XE Game OS)   $12.00
C101696   (XF551 OS)   $15.00
C101699   (SLMC 804)   $65.00
C101702   (PC1 EGA SMT 100 PIN)   $19.95
C101725 / C101762 (ST / TT RAM 256K X 4)   $4.95
C101727   (Megafile 30 / 60 OS)   $14.00
C101740   (Megafile 30 / 60 PAL)   $19.00
C101741   (Megafile 44 PAL)   $19.00
C101742   (Megafile 44 PAL)   $19.00
C101762 /  C101725 (ST / TT RAM 256K X 4)   $4.95
C101775   (Stacy / STBOOK Shadow PLCC 84 pin)   $45.00
C103663   (Stacy GAL)   $24.95
C104531-001   (STE / ST Book / Falcon Keyboard CPU,44   pin PLCC version) $17.50
C300261   (ABC286 PLCC 84 pin) Call or E-Mail
C300276   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300277   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300278   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300282   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300283   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300284   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300285   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300286   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300373   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300371   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300372   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300374   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300375   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300376   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300378   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300379   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300401   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300449   (PC5 PAL)   $19.95
C300558   (7800 PAL O.S.)   $14.00
C300579 / C301708 / I60509  (TT Sound Shifter 48 Pin)  $45.00
C300580 / C301707 / I60508 (TT PLCC Funnel)   $40.00
C300581 / C301706 / I60510 (TT PLCC DCU 68 pin) $45.00
C300583 / C301225 / I60704 (TT, TT Plug in Ram Upgrades   SMT 144 Pin MCU)   $45.00
C300584 / C301224 / C301705 I60615, SCX622S, SCX6225 TT / MegaSTE 84 Pin PLCC GLUE)   $45.00
C300585 / C301223 / I60613 / SCX6244 (TT 84 Pin PLCC DMAC)   $45.00
C300588 / C301712 / I60608    (STE / MegaSTE PLCC Shifter 84 Pin) $40.00
C300589   (STE, MegaSTE SMT MCU + Glue 144 Pin) (Requires External Blitter I.C.)     $45.00
C300683   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 1 Meg (HI) ROM   $35.00
C300684   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 1 Meg (L0) ROM   $35.00
C300717   XE O.S. See CO61598
C300868 / C398082 I60801 (TT Video 84 pin PLCC)   $45.00
C300869 / I60605 (TT 1 - 4 and 4 - 16 Meg Fast Ram Upgrade   Boards 84 pin PLCC MCU)  $45.00
C301223 / C300585 I60613, SCX6244   (TT 84 Pin PLCC DMAC) $45.00
C301224 / C301705 / C300584 / I60615 / SCX622S / SCX6225   (TT / MegaSTE 84 Pin PLCC GLUE)   45.00
C301225 / C300583 / I60704    (TT, TT Plug in 2 Meg- 2/8 Meg Ram Upgrades SMT 144 Pin MCU)   $45.00
C301304   L5380 (SCSI Controller 44 pin PLCC TT)  $15.00
C301705 / C301224 / C300584 / SCX622S / SCX6225 / I60615   (TT / MegaSTE 84 Pin PLCC Glue)   $45.00
C301706 / C300581 / I60510 (TT PLCC DCU)   $45.00
C301707 / C300580 / I60508 (TT PLCC Funnel)   $40.00
C301708 / C300579 / I60509    (TT Sound Shifter 48 Pin)   $45.00
C301712 / C300588 / I60608    (STE / MegaSTE 84 pin PLCC Shifter)   $40.00
VC5138    (Lynx I Mickey / Hayato 68 pin PLCC )   $39.00
C301719 (Lynx II Mickey 68 pin PLCC) $39.00
C301837   (TT PAL)   $19.95
C301838   (TT PAL)   $19.95
C301846   (MegaSTE RAM 8K X 8)   Call or E-Mail
C301898   (MegaSTE GAL)   $19.95
C301899   (MegaSTE PAL)   $19.95
C301900   (MegaSTE PAL)   $19.95
C301901-002   (MegaSTE High Density Drive PAL Version II)   $19.95
C301903   (MegaSTE Math Coprocessor PAL)   $19.95
C301904   (MegaSTE GAL)   $19.95
C301905   (MegaSTE PAL)   $19.95
C301906   (MegaSTE GAL)   $19.95
C301907   (MegaSTE PAL)   $19.95
C301908   (MegaSTE PAL)   $19.95
C301909   (MegaSTE PAL) $19.95
C302096 / C302434 (Ajax High Density Disk Controller)  

$40.00   On Sale $29.95

More Ajax information



C302183 / MM9200C0C    (STE, MegaSTE, ST Book SMT MCU +   Glue 144 Pin, with built in Blitter I.C) $45.00
C302222   (TT RAM 1M X 4)  Call or E-Mail
VC5139 (Lynx I Suzy 44 Pin PLCC)   $36.95
C302284 (Lynx II Suzy 44 pin PLCC) $36.95
C302799   (YM3439F ST Book / FALCON 44 Pin SMT   Sound Generator)    $14.75
C302824   (STV8438 DAC, Falcon SMT)   $12.00
C302829   (VIDEL, Falcon 120 Pin SMT)   $45.00
C302830   (GAL, Falcon)   $19.95
C302831   (GAL, Falcon)   $19.95
C302832   (GAL, Falcon)   O/S
C302833   (GAL, Falcon)   $19.95
C302834   (GAL, Falcon)   $19.95
C302897 / L53C80   (SCSI Controller 44 pin PLCC Falcon)   $20.00
C302995   (COMBEL, Falcon 208 Pin SMT )   $45.00
C302996   (SDMA, Falcon 144 Pin SMT)   $45.00
C303002   (DSP 80 Pin SMT, FALCON)   $45.00
C303003-001 /  C303170 / CS4216 / ASCO 2300    (CODEC Falcon, 44 pin PLCC)   $39.95
C303004-001   (CY7C199 / 6206 / MCM6206 / MS62256 / AS7C256 / S-RAM FALCON 28 pin PLCC)    $6.00
C398055   (STE / MegaSTE LF347)   $.95
C398057   (STE / MegaSTE DAC-800 / DAC-0800LCN /   DAC-08EP) $1.99
C398058   (LMC1992 STE / MegaSTE / TT / Falcon Sound)   $24.00
C398061   (68000FN8 PLCC MPU, STE)   $12.00
C398080   (DP8530 TT 28 pin PLCC)   $5.95
C398081   (DP8516 TT 44 pin PLCC)   $6.95
C398082 / C300868   I60801 (TT Video 84 pin PLCC)   $45.00
C398106   (68901FN MFP 52 pin PLCC) (MegaSTE / TT / Falcon)   $15.00
C398109   (85C30 MegaSTE / Falcon 44 pin PLCC)   $5.95
C398170   (Falcon / ABC386SX DS1287 /  MK48T87B Clock Module)     $19.95
C398719   (TT DAC0800)   $2.50
C398722   (TT PAL)   $19.95
C398739-001A   160511 (STE / MegaSTE / TT DMA 40 pin Dip)   $59.00
C398778   68000FN12 / 68000FN16 / TS68000CFN16 / PLCC 16 MHz MPU 68 Pin (MegaSTE, Jaguar)   $18.00
C398784   (68B50)   $2.00
FC100346   (1020) (SC87190)   $3.00
FC100347   (1020) (6805)   $3.50
FC100348   (1020 LB1257)   $5.00
FC100541   (1050 OS)   $12.50
FC100542   (1050 WD 2793)   $15.95
FC100619   (1027)   $15.00
FC100630   (1027 LB1259)   $12.00
FC100817   (1050 WD 2797)   $15.95
I60601   (Atari Transputer, 84 pin PLCC)   $45.00
SCX6212TXP   (SLMC804)   $65.00
SL90467   (822)   $29.95
6SC880HS /  TC26SC880HS (Jaguar "Tom" CPU 208 pin SMT) 1st Generation Jag Chip $35.00
6SC600HS / TC26SC600HS   (Jaguar "Jerry" DSP 144 pin SMT) 1st Generation Jag Chip    $34.00
SC414200AT Jaguar and Atari Arcade motherboards 2nd Generation CPU Chip.  Not interchangeable with above 1st Generation Jag chips $45.00
SC414201FT Jaguar and Atari Arcade motherboards 2nd Generation DSP Chip.  Not interchangeable with above 1st Generation Jag chips $45.00
700048   (Jaguar OS ROM, 32 pin)   $17.00

*Replace old 520ST keyboard (uses the 74LS03 I.C.) with Newer version 520ST Keyboard

with -002 CPU I.C. (uses the 74LS244 I.C.)


More E-bay Atari chip auctions:


Atari 2600 RIOT Chip (A202 RAM I/O Timer) - RetroSix.  30 days returns. Seller pays for return shipping  Current 18 day E-Bay auction as of 01-26-25.  Buy it now for 39.99 plus $4.50 shipping    

Atari 6532 CO10750 chip used in multiple Atari products with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $10.00 plus shipping


ATARI PokeyMAX Replacement Part for Atari Pokey - 100% Compatible.  More than 10 available / 22 sold.  Seller does not accept returns  Current 20 day E-Bay auction as of 06-02-24.  Buy it now for $140.04 plus $8.68 shipping from Germany  

Bests New Atari Custom made CO12294 Pokey Chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $30.00 plus Max. US shipping $10.40


Atari Pokey Chip – C012294-03.  2 available, 2 sold  Seller does not offer returns  Current 12 day E-Bay auction as of 05-26-24.  Buy it now for $85.00 plus $9.00 shipping 

Bests New Atari Custom made CO12294 Pokey Chip with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  $30.00 plus Max. US shipping $10.40


Atari Floppy Controller VLSI 1772-02.  10 sold  Seller does not offer returns  Sold on E-Bay 04-28-24 for $30.00 plus $5.55 shipping

Bests New Atari  WD1772 or VLSI 1772 Disk Controller chip, used in multiple Atari ST computers with normal 90 day Atari Warranty.  18.00 plus shipping


Frank D. of Germany.   Placing his very 1st International Atari order to Best.   He ordered some hard to find new Atari 8 bit PAL Custom chips.  "Happiness in Germany!   My order arrived today, great work.  I'm so happy for the customer" (he means Custom) "ICs.  Thank you for the quick work and shipping.  I will order from you again next time."


Oliver D. of Germany  Oliver ordered some hard to find New Atari PAL version 8 bit computer chips.  "The package with the custom ICs I ordered arrived in good condition.  As always, it was a pleasure to order from you. Many thanks for the great service.  Greetings from Germany"

Follow up Comment:   "This was my fifth order from Germany and, as always, the order and delivery went without any problems.  So far Best-Electronics has been able to fulfill all my wishes when looking for rare Atari replacement parts.  Many thanks for this and for the great service."


Cliff H. of the UK.   Cliff ordered some Atari 8 bit custom chips.  "Thank you for the Custom ICs, which arrived today.  They will also allow me to upgrade two of the machines to 130XE's - I'm looking forward to that project.  A pleasure doing business with you, as always!"

Atari TOS

CO26034   (520ST U.S. Boot ROM)   $17.50
CO26035   (520ST U.S. Boot ROM)   $17.50
CA026259   ST U.S. TOS 1.0 (6 chip set)   $30.00
CO26160   ST U.S. TOS 1.0 256K (H2) ROM   $7.00
CO26161   ST U.S. TOS 1.0 256K (H1) ROM   $7.00
CO26162   ST U.S. TOS 1.0 256K (H0) ROM   $7.00
CO26163   ST U.S. TOS 1.0 256K (L2) ROM   $7.00
CO26164   ST U.S. TOS 1.0 256K (L1) ROM   $7.00
CO26165   ST U.S. TOS 1.0 256K (L0) ROM   $7.00
C101629   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 1 MEG (HI) ROM   $15.00
C101630   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 1 MEG (L0) ROM   $15.00
CO26908   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (H2) ROM   $8.00
CO26909   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (H1) ROM   $8.00
CO26910   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (H0) ROM   $8.00
CO26911   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (L2) ROM   $8.00
CO26912   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (L1) ROM   $8.00
CO26913   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (L0) ROM   $8.00
C101644   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (H2) ROM   $8.00
C101645   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (H1) ROM   $8.00
C101646   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (H0) ROM   $8.00
C101647   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (L2) ROM   $8.00
C101648   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (L1) ROM   $8.00
C101649   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.2 256K (L0) ROM   $8.00
CA400406   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 (6 chip set)   $60.00
C300787 / C300635   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 256K (H2) ROM   $12.00
C300788 / C300636   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 256K (H1) ROM   $12.00
C300789 / C300637   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 256K (H0) ROM   $12.00
C300790 / C300638   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 256K (L2) ROM   $12.00
C300791 / C300639   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 256K (L1) ROM   $12.00
C300792 / C300640   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 256K (L0) ROM   $12.00
C300683   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 1 Meg (HI) ROM   $35.00
C300684   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 1 Meg (L0) ROM   $35.00
CA400406   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 (6 chip set)   $60.00
CA400407   ST / Mega U.S. TOS 1.4 (2 chip set)   $60.00
CB103119 ST / Mega French TOS 1.4 (6 chip set) $50.00
CB103120 ST / Mega Holland / Netherlands TOS 1.4 (6 chip set) $50.00
C301119   (Stacy 1.4 U.S. TOS, 32 pin 1 Meg (HI) ROM)   $30.00
C301120   (Stacy 1.4 U.S. TOS, 32 pin 1 Meg (LO) ROM)   $30.00
C301163-001   (STE U.S. TOS 1.60) (HI) 28 pin ROM)   $12.00
C301163-002   (STE U.S. TOS 1.62) (HI) 28 pin ROM)   $17.00
C301164-001   (STE U.S. TOS 1.60 (L0) 28 pin ROM)   $12.00
C301164-002   (STE U.S. TOS 1.62) (L0) 28 pin ROM)   Sold Out
C302018-002   (U.S. TOS 2.05 (HI) ROM)   $25.00
C302018-003   (U.S. TOS 2.06 (HI / EE) ROM)   $40.00
C302019-002   (U.S. TOS 2.05 (L0) ROM)   $25.00
C302019-003   (U.S. TOS 2.06 (L0 / E0) ROM)   $40.00
CA400857   (U.S. TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip set)   $75.00
CB103023   (UK TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
CB103024   (French TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
CB103025   (German TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
CB103026   (Italian TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
CB103027   (Spanish TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
CB103028   (Swiss/German TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
CB103029   (Swedish TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
CB103030   (Swiss/French TOS 2.06, 2 ROM Chip Set)   $70.00
C301925   (TT U.S. TOS 3.06 (EE) ROM)   $25.00
C301926   (TT U.S. TOS 3.06 (0E) ROM)   $25.00
C301927   (TT U.S. TOS 3.06 (E0) ROM)   $25.00
C301928   (TT U.S. TOS 3.06 (00) ROM)   $25.00
C301929   (TT UK TOS 3.06 (EE) ROM)   $25.00
C301930   (TT UK TOS 3.06 (0E) ROM)   $25.00
C301931   (TT UK TOS 3.06 (E0) ROM)   $25.00
C301932   (TT UK TOS 3.06 (00) ROM)   $25.00
C301937   (TT GERMAN TOS 3.06 (EE) ROM)   $25.00
C301938   (TT GERMAN TOS 3.06 (0E) ROM)   $25.00
C301939   (TT GERMAN TOS 3.06 (E0) ROM)   $25.00
C301940   (TT GERMAN TOS 3.06 (00) ROM)   $25.00
C301957   (TT SWEDISH TOS 3.06 (EE) ROM)   $25.00
C301958   (TT SWEDISH TOS 3.06 (0E) ROM)   $25.00
C301959   (TT SWEDISH TOS 3.06 (E0) ROM)   $25.00
C301960   (TT SWEDISH TOS 3.06 (00) ROM)   $25.00
CA400836   (TT U.S. TOS 3.06, 4 Chip Set)   $95.00
CB103031   (TT UK TOS 3.06, 4 Chip Set)   $85.00
CB103032   (TT German TOS 3.06, 4 Chip Set)   $85.00
CB103033   (TT Swedish TOS 3.06, 4 Chip Set)   $85.00
CB102349-X.XX   Falcon 44 pin PLCC TOS ROM (X . XX = Rev., Example 4.04)   Call or E-Mail
C101631   (Atari Transputer O.S.)   Call or E-Mail
C101632   (Atari Transputer O.S.)   Call or E-Mail

6500 / 6800 / 68000 Series

IC #   Atari Reference #   Price
65C02   Call or E-Mail
6502B   (400 / 800 / Happy Upgrades) CO14377   $6.95
6502C   (800 / XL / XE / 7800) CO14806   $8.00
6507 / STK6507   CO10745 / CO16145   $5.00
6520 / G65SC21 / HD68B21 / HD468B21   CO14795 / CO12298   $9.95
6522     $3.95
6532 / UM6532   CO10750 / CO16150   $8.00
6551   CO61690   $4.00
6810   (810 / 1050) CO14328   $5.95
6821 / 68B21     $2.25
6850 / HD46850 / HD6550 / HD6350 (ST / Mega / STE)   CO25985   $1.75
68B50   (ST / Mega / STE / Falcon) C398784   $2.00
68000L8 / G8, SC87896P8 / HD68000P8 8  MHz MPU 64 Pin Dip (ST / Mega)CO25982 $8.00
68000L16 / TS68000CP16 16MHz MPU 64 Pin Dip   Call or E-Mail
68000FN8 PLCC MPU (STE) 68 Pin   C398061  $12.00
68000FN12 / 68000FN16 / TS68000CFN16  PLCC 16 MHz MPU 68 Pin (MegaSTE, Jaguar)C398778   $18.00
68030RC16 / RP16   (Pin Grid Array) MPU (TT)  Call or E-Mail
68030FE16 / SC414230FE16 / 68LC030   16MHz SMT MPU (FALCON) C303001   $25.00
68030RC33, RP33   (Pin Grid Array) MPU (TT)   Call or E-Mail
68030FE33   33MHz SMT MPU (TT)   Call or E-Mail
68LC040RC33   33MHz PGA MPU (Barracuda)   Call or E-Mail
68040RC33   33MHz PGA MPU with Math Coprocessor (Barracuda)   Call or E-Mail
68901 /  MK68901Q / SC87898   MFP (ST / Mega 48 pin)   CO25984 $15.00
68901FN / TS68HC901CFN    MFP (PLCC) (MegaSTE / TT / Falcon /C398106 ABC386SX) 52 Pin   $15.00
68881RC   16 MHz PGA (Pin Grid Array) Math Coprocessor   $50.00
68881FN16   16 MHz (PLCC) (Mega / Mega STE / Falcon Math Coprocessor 68 Pin    C101718 $50.00 

The 68882 is the pin to pin hardware compatible drop in replacement for the 68881 (MC) but with a variety of Performance Enhancements / Circuitry that allows execution of multiple instructions in for more than 2X - 4X the floating point performance of the 68881. Older ST / Mega software that will access the 68881 MC may NOT access the 68882, check with your Software manufacture for the updated Rev. software that will access the 68882 MC.

68882FN 16 MHz (PLCC) Math Coprocessor (MC)(MegaSTE / Falcon) 68 Pin  $60.00
68882RC16 MHz PGA   Math Coprocessor   $60.00
68882FN33 MHz (PLCC) Math Coprocessor (TT)   68882FN33   $65.00
MegaSTE Atari Custom 20 Pin PAL I.C. Required for above MegaSTE Math Coprocessors   C301903   $19.95
MC / XC68882FN33 MHz (PLCC)   Math Coprocessor (TT)   $65.00
MC / XC68882RC33 MHz (PGA)   Math Coprocessor   $65.00
MC / XC68882RC40 MHz (PGA)   Math Coprocessor   Call or E-Mail
MC / XC68882RC50 MHz (PGA)   Math Coprocessor   Call or E-Mail  
LH215C74,LH215C73, SSP42402200FJ33 SMT 80 Pin Digital Signal Processor (Falcon)   C303002   $45.00
DSP56001FC33 SMT 132 Pin DigitalSignal Processor    CB102648 $65.00


IC Number Atari Reference #   Price
1771   CO14329 (810)   $15.95
1772   CO26028 (ST / Mega / STE/ TT / XF-551)   $18.00
1793   $7.00
1795   $18.00
2793   FC100542 (1050)   $15.95
2795   (Astra)   $15.95
2797   FC100817 (1050)   $15.95
C302096, C302434   (Ajax High Density Disk Controller)  


Sale $29.95


IC#   Reference #   Price
Adaptec AIC-300F 40 Pin I.C. (MegaFile 20,30,60)    CO70672   $30.00
Adaptec AIC-010F 40 Pin I.C. (MegaFile 20,30,60) CO70670   $20.00
MPP / Supra 1100 400 / 800 Printer Interface 24 Pin ROM.     CB101002   $16.00
Digital Devices, Apeface or U-Print Model A (40-Pin ROM).     CB101003   $16.00
Digital Devices, Model A16 / A64 Buffer / Printer cable (40-pin ROM) CB101267   $16.00
Digital Devices, Model P16 / P64 Buffer Big Foot (40-pin ROM)   CB101419   $16.90
ICD Surface mount PR Connection PLCC Chip  CB101004   $16.00
SH204 Atari Drive Enhancement (ADE) Chip by Berkeley Microsystems      CB101919   $19.95


IC#   Reference #   Price
2N2222A     $.25
PN2222A     $.10
MPS2369     $.12
2N3055     $.50
PN3563     $.50
2N3904 34-2N3904 (All Atari) $.50
2N3904   (CB102981 Falcon SMT   $.50
2N3906   CO18991 (All Atari)   $.50
2N3563   34-2N3563 (Atari Sound)   $.50
2N4124   FC100527 (1050)   $.25
2N4401     $.20
2N4402     $.25
2N4403   FC100528 (1050)   $.25
2N5306   FC100741   $.25
2N6044   34-2N6044   $2.00
2N6724   (1030 / SX212 Modems)   $1.00
2SA952   FC100396   $.25
2SB562   (SH204 Power Supply)   $2.45
2SB825   (External 520ST Power Supply)   $6.20
2SB857   (SM147)   $2.75
2SC945   (Best Trackball)   $.50
2SC1093   (520STFM / 1040 Power Supply)   $1.00
2SC1213   (SM147 Monitor)   $.50
2SC1384   2SC2331(520STFM / 1040STF / Best   Power Supply) CB101652 $1.50
2SC1740   (XF551 Disk drive)   $1.50
2SC1815   (External 520ST Power Supply)   $2.45
2SC2060   (520STFM / 1040 Power Supply)   $1.75
2SC2001   FC10037   $.50
2SC2235   (External 520ST Power Supply)   $3.00
2SC2331   2SC1384 (520STFM / 1040STF / Best   Power Supply) CB101652    $2.25
2SC2749   (520STFM / 1040 Power Supply)   $10.00
2SC2719   FC100395   $.25
2SC2898   (SM147)   $8.25
2SC2979   (SM147 Monitor)   $6.30
2SC3040   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $8.40
2SC3150   (SM147 Monitor)   $5.25
2SC3153   (SH204 Power Supply)   $10.00
2SC3260   (XL / XE Power Supply)   $12.00
2SC3402   (SM147)   $1.40
2SC3482   (SM147)   $9.00
2SC3503   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $5.75
2SC4106   (520STFM / 1040 Power Supply)   $4.00
2SD571   (520STFM / 1040 Power Supply)   $2.20
2SD613   (XL / XE Power Supply)   $4.95
2SD1398   (Samsung SC1224 Monitor)   $2.00
2SD1426   (JVC SC1224)   $6.00
2SD1427     $7.25
2SD1453   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $11.40
2SK192   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $1.24
BSX20   (Goldstar SM124 / SC1224 Monitors)   $6.00
BU508   (520STFM / 1040STF Power Supply /   PC1)CB101646   $6.60
BU806   (Goldstar SM124 Monitor)   $4.00
KA2131   (SamsungSC1224 Monitor)   $3.75
KSA708Y   (Samsung SC1224 Monitor)   $3.00
KTA473   (Goldstar SM124 Monitor)   $6.00
KTA562   (Goldstar SM124 Monitor)   $3.00
KTC1815   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $3.00
KTC1959   (Goldstar SM124 Monitor)   $1.50
KTC2068   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $3.00
KTC2120     $3.00
KTC2229   (Goldstar SM124 Monitor)   $4.00
KTC2249   (Goldstar SM124 Monitor)   $3.00
KSC945Y   (Samsung SC1224 Monitor)   $3.00
KSC1008   (Samsung SC1224 Monitor)   $1.50
KSC1507Y   (Samsung SC1224 Monitor)   $3.00
M6 / M7   (LYNX  Q4,Q13,Q6 LYNXII Q4,Q7,Q8 SMT) $1.00
MJE210   CO18094 (5200 / 7800)   $2.50
M6 / M7   LYNX I  Q4 / Q13 / Q6 / LYNX II Q4 / Q7 / Q8 SMT $1.00
MPSA06   CO14394 (810)   $.25
MPSA55   CO14809   $.25
MPSU51     $.45
OK 99, OK 98, OK 96, OK 9X, OK 9Y (Portfolio Power board Q1 SMT)   Call or E-Mail
ON4637   (TTM195 / Q206)   $10.95
TIP32   CO14786 (810)   $.60
TIP110   FC100529 (1050)   $1.00
TIP122   CO14350 (810)   $.75
TIPL760   (PTC1426)   $9.00


IC #   Reference #   Price
A600-15   (1030 Modem)   $14.95
ADC0844   (Jaguar ADC)   Call or E-Mail
AN5265   (JVC SC1224 / Goldstar SM124 / SC1224)   $4.50
AN5436N   (Samsung SC1224 Monitor)   $4.75
AN5790   (Goldstar PAL SM124 Monitor)   $4.99
DS1232     $3.00
MC34163   (Jaguar "U38" SMT)   $9.95
RDAC   (Jaguar "U7" 28 pin SLIP)   $9.95
93C46 / AT93C46 / IS93C46    (Jaguar Cartridge) $2.00
DS1232     $3.00
MC34163   (Jaguar "U38" SMT)   $9.95
RDAC   (Jaguar "U7" 28 pin SLIP)   $9.95
DS1287 / MK48T87B (Falcon Clock with battery) C398170   $19.95
TH701   Thermistor (SM124)   $8.00
TH901   C399203 Thermistor (SC1224)   $3.50
ICD PR Connection PLCC custom chip CB101004   $16.00
L5380      (SCSI Controller 44 pin PLCC,TT) C301304   $15.00
L5380   (SCSI Controller 40 pin Dip, ATW 800   Transputer) CB102017    $15.00
L53C80  (SCSI Controller 44 pin PLCC, Falcon)C302897   $20.00
LA7830   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $4.00
LA7850   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $6.00
KA2134     $3.00
MC146818 /  HD146818    (MegaSTE / TT clock chip)   $8.00
MC34163DW   (Jaguar Power Regulator I.C., SMT)   $9.95
P8156 RAM   (SH204 / MegaFile / Adaptec 4000 / 4000A / 4070) CB101169   $2.00
P8085 CPU      (SH204 / MegaFile / Adaptec 4000 / 4000A / 4070)   $1.75
Samsung PR701 Thermistor (SC1224)   $8.00
Sharp PC817/  T8F1 / P521   (520STFM / 1040STFPower Supply)   $3.00
Sharp PC713   (Best Power Supply)   $3.00
STV8438   (DAC  Falcon SMT 44 Pin) C302824   $12.00
TDA1170D   (Goldstar SM124 Monitor)   $6.60
TDA1170N   (Quadrant SM147 Monitor)   $6.00
TDA4601   (Goldstar SC1224 Monitor)   $11.95
TL431 / 431P / 431C / 1431T / LM431    (5020STFM / 1040STF / SH204 / Best Power Supply) CB101651      $1.50
TMS 99532    Modem Chip (835 / 1030) CO62016 $4.00
UDN5713 / TI75478 (1050) FC100536   $1.50
4N35   (SM147)   $2.95


Frequency   Reference#   Price
1.0 MHz   CO14316 (810)   $2.50
2.4576 MHz   CO25993   $3.00
3.5468 MHz   CO12285   $3.99
3.546894 MHz   CO16112   $2.50
3.562500 MHz   CO17863   $1.50
3.57945 MHz   CO10177 / CO61090 / CO70759   $1.50
3.57954 MHz   CO16010   $2.50
3.57957 MHz   CO15510   $2.50
3.582080 MHz   CO16289   $1.50
3.6720 MHz   C398197-001 (MegaSTE / TT Oscillator)   $10.00
3.672 MHz   C303023-001(Falcon square Oscillator)   $10.00
4.0 MHz   CO16018 / FC100357   $1.75
4.032 MHz   CO62057 (1030 Modem)   $3.50
4.33618 MHz   CO16801  (PAL Atari Game / Computers) $1.50
4.4333 MHz   CO12284   $1.50
4.433618   CO70760 (Falcon)   Call or E-Mail
4.453125 MHz   CO17864   $1.50
6.0 MHz     $1.50
6.500 MHz   CO16114   $1.50
6.5536 MHz   CB102447   $6.00
7.0 MHz   CB102481   $3.00
7.3728 MHz   CB101286   $3.00
7.68 MHz   CB102486   $3.00
8.0 MHz     $1.50
8.010613 MHz   C398066 (STE Oscillator)   $10.00
8.330 MHz     $3.50
8.3333 MHz   CB101219 (XF551) (Oscillator)   O/S
10.0 MHz     $1.50
12.000 MHz   CO70930   $3.00
14.252 MHz   CO24923   $2.00
14.31818 MHz   CO24912 ( XE / Jaguar)      $3.00
14.31818 MHZ CO24912-7800 Hand selected and tested for the 7800 US motherboards/consoles Crystal) $4.95
14.31818 MHz   CO70024 (XE Oscillator)   $5.00
15.00 MHz     $3.00
16 MHz   (Oscillator)   $5.00
16.021226 MHz   CB102274 (MegaSTE Oscillator)   $10.00
16.257 MHz   C100362   $1.50
17.734475 MHz   (PAL/UK Jaguar) Crystal Ref # ECX 2453   $8.00
20.0 MHz     $1.50
25.175 MHz   C303023-002 (Falcon Square Oscillator)   $10.00
26.590906 MHz   (Jaguar Crystal)   $8.00
26.590906 MHz   CB102982 (Oscillator)   $8.00
26.593900 MHz   (PAL/UK Jaguar) Crystal Ref # ECX 2448   $8.00
32 MHz   (Oscillator)   $5.00
32 MHz   C303023 (Falcon Square Oscillator) $5.00
32.0424 MHz   CO25944   $3.00
32.04245 MHz   C100281 (Mega Oscillator)   $11.25
32.084988 MHz   CO70176 (Falcon)   $10.00
32.084988 MHz   CB102275 (STE / MegaSTE PAL Oscillator)   $10.00
32.215905 MHz   C398097 (STE / MegaSTE / TT Oscillator)   $10.00
32.21590 MHz   CB102649 (Falcon Square Oscillator)   $10.00
32.768 kHz   C100232 (Mega / MegaSTE)   $3.00
40 MHz   (Oscillator)   $5.00
49.82 MHz   CO16935   $1.00
49.88870 MHz   CO16936   $1.50
50 MHz   (Oscillator)   $5.00


Atari Ajax Floppy Disk Controller

(The little known Atari Custom made Smart Upgrade chip)


When Atari Japan was Designing / Engineering the First Generation Atari ST Computer (Atari 520ST Computer with external Power Supply and external Floppy Disk Drive) back in mid 1985 era, they based the first series Atari 16 bit computers on the Motorola 68000 16 bit 8Mhz CPU, it supporting chips like the Motorola Multi Function Peripheral  (MFP) chip, and Atari Custom made ST Memory Management Unit (MMU), Glue (code named because it holds the ST System together), DMA (Direct Memory Access) and Video Shifter chips.  In 1985 one of the State of the Art Floppy Disk Controller chips was the Western Digital WD1772 720K SSSD / DSDD Floppy Disk Controller chip.  This is the ST Floppy Disk controller chip Atari Japan Engineering decided to use in the first Atari 520ST computer and all other Atari ST Computers right up the early 68000 16Mhz Atari TT Business Computers.

The subsequent Atari designed 68000 16 bit 8Mhz 1040STF, 520STFM, 1040STE, Mega 1/2/4, MegaSTE 68000 16Mhz and later 68000 32Mhz second generation TT Computers all used the same WD1772 Floppy Disk Controller chip to drive the ST SSSD or DSDD Floppy internal Disk Drive circuits over many years.  As time marched on, Atari Engineering was asked by Atari Marketing to the upgrade the stock Atari Top line TT Business Computers 720K Internal Floppy disk drives to the Newer (for that era) 1.44 High Density (HD) Floppy standard.  

Atari Japan Engineering challenge was to upgrade existing Atari TT Computers to the HD 1.44 Floppy Mechs without major circuit changes to the TT motherboards or major chip changes to on the TT Motherboards.  What was finally decided, was to use hand selected / tested WD1772 chips and over clock them (run them at a faster chip clock speed 8Mhz to 16Mhz).  The WD1772 chips were not originally designed run at the faster 16Mhz internal clock speed, but thru testing, some were found be able to run at the fast clock speed required for HD 1.44 Floppy operation.   With some TT TOS Operating System upgrades (New version TT TOS), New 1.44 HD TT Floppy Disk mechs and the Hand selected / Tested WD1772 chips, Atari was able to upgrade all older / early 16Mhz Atari TT’s and Newer 32Mhz TT’s computers to the HD 1.44 Floppy Disk standard. 

Obsolete WD1772 Chip

Years down line when the newer Atari MegaSTE and Atari Falcon computers were being designed, the old WD1772 chips were becoming obsolete.  Most Disk Controller chips of that era, were lucky to have a normal useful product life / run of 1 to 2 years at most.  Atari had been using the WD1772 Floppy Disk Controller chip in ST computers close to 7+ years.  Western Digital had not made any new production runs of WD1772 Disk Controller chips in years and could not be convinced to make a new run of that old Disk Controller chip.  To support the older Atari ST computer line, Atari had the VLS Chip Company get a license from Western Digital and make a small new production run of the older standard WD1772 Disk Controller chip in a VLS labeled chip package for Atari. 

But the writing was on the wall.  Atari Engineering had to find a new ST Disk Drive Controller chip and do some ST Major chip set changes or whole new redesign on future Atari ST Computers in regards to the ST Floppy Circuit design.  What Atari Engineering came up with was a new custom made Upgraded / Smart Disk Controller chip which was backward and forward compatible on all older ST computers and fully compatible on Falcon computers and future ST computers.  That new smart chip is the Atari Ajax High Speed Floppy Disk Controller chip.  

Ajax Chip

The New Atari Custom made Ajax Disk Controller chip is 100% pin to pin fully backward compatible with the older WD1772 chip on all older ST and other Computer and devices that use the WD1772 Floppy Disk Controller chip.  It is also a Smart Disk Controller Chip that can auto sense the input chip Mhz Clock speed and auto switch into the Newer HD 1.44 Floppy Mode standard.  So a new state of the art Atari Ajax Disk Controller chip can be plugged into the first 1985 Atari 520ST computer made and drive the ST 720K SSSD / DSDD floppy internal or external Disk drive Mech.  The same exact Atari Ajax chip can be plugged into the Floppy Disk circuit on the last state of the art Atari ST computer made, the 1992 Falcon 030 68000 16Mhz Computer and drive the Falcon 1.44 HD Floppy Circuit without any hardware changes.


Atari MegaSTE and the Ajax Chip

The only exception to this Ajax Disk Controller chip upgradeability is the Atari MegaSTE Computer.  The Atari Ajax Disk Controller chip works fine in the normal 720K DSDD Floppy mode on the Atari MegaSTE.  But to upgrade a stock MegaSTE from 720K Floppy mode to the newer HD 1.44 mode, you have to change out the 720K Disk Drive Mech to a HD Floppy Mech., install an Atari Ajax chip, upgrade to the newer TOS 2.06 OS Chip set, flip on the #7 Dip switch on the MegaSTE motherboard and install a newer Atari MegaSTE HD Floppy C301901-002 custom PAL Chip.

But over the years Best Electronics has found that not all of the MegaSTE Computers made can be upgraded to the HD 1.44 internal Floppy Disk Drive successfully.   It seems there were a lot of Motherboard changes, updates and production line changes to the Atari MegaSTE motherboards over the production run.  Just open up a MegaSTE and inspect the bottom of the motherboard.  You will see all kinds of changes, wire jumps and upgrades to the bottom of the MegaSTE motherboard.   It seems that no two MegaSTE motherboards look like on the bottom side in regards to the production line changes / upgrades installed.   Besides the MegaSTE motherboard differences, the MegaSTE HD floppy circuit has a problem with RF Interference from the Internal MegaSTE Power supply which causes HD read write Floppy errors.  Best Electronics have installed MegaSTE HD Floppy kits into one MegaSTE and have it work fine.  Install the same MegaSTE HD Floppy Upgrade kit into a second MegaSTE and cannot get the same kit work at all or get flakey HD Disk Drive results.  To Best it seems the Atari MegaSTE computers were designed to be upgraded to a HD Floppy Disk Drive but never fully tested for proper HD Floppy Disk Drive operation during MegaSTE production line assembly process. 

But on the older 520ST / 1040STF / 520STFM / Mega ST 1/2/4 Computers because of the fixed ST Chip set Mhz clocking and older versions of ST TOS without the HD Floppy Disk Drive coding, these ST computers can not be easily upgraded (just plug in an Ajax chip) to the HD Disk Drive standard without major rework.  Now an older ST Computer upgraded with a Wizztronics TOS 2.06 TOS upgrade board or Atari 1040STE computer upgraded to TOS 2.06 might be able to be upgraded to a HD Floppy Disk Drive by a good Atari tech. 

Toward the end of the ST / MegaSTE / TT computer new production, the Ajax chip was almost 100% used as the Atari Floppy Disk Controller chip.   So if you have a late / last produced Atari ST Computer, you might check your motherboard to see if you have the state of the Art, Atari Ajax Disk Controller chip installed.

Best Electronics has a good supply of the new Atari C302096 / C302434 (two different manufactures) Ajax upgrade chips in stock.  Cost is $40.   To introduce this upgraded Atari Disk Controller chip, we have put them on sale.  Sale price is $29.95

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